Compensation for Hair Dye Loss of Hair

Since getting my hair dyed last week I have experienced a considerable amount of hair loss and have started to wonder whether I may be eligible for compensation for hair dye loss of hair. Can I make a claim against the salon for causing my hair loss?

Eoin P. Campbell, LL.B., Solicitor

Editor in Chief

Eoin P. Campbell

It may be possible for you to make a compensation for hair dye loss of hair claim if it can be proven that your hair colourist behaved negligently by using an “off the scalp” hair dye or bleach instead of a milder product by which your hair loss could have been avoided. In order to establish the salon’s liability, it is recommended that you return to the salon at the first practical opportunity and ask for details about the product that was used.

Although the salon may offer you immediate compensation for hair dye loss of hair once they realise their mistake, it may be worth your while pursuing your claim against the salon through formal means, particularly if your hair loss is considerable. In order to do so you should follow some important procedures:

  • Submit an entry of your injuries to the salon’s “Accident Report Book”, which can be used as evidence later on in your claims process.
  • Take two photographs of your injury – one close-up shot to demonstrate the severity of your injury and another from a slight distance to show its visibility.
  • You should see your GP to have your injuries officially diagnosed and then recorded in your medical history. The doctor can determine the precise damage of your injury and can estimate its permanence.

To increase the possibility of a successful compensation for hair dye loss of hair claim you would be well advised to seek the assistance of a solicitor who can use the information gained from carrying out the procedures mentioned above in support of your claim. Your solicitor will ensure that not only your pain and suffering is accounted for but also how the injury has affected your quality of life and any lack of confidence you may have experienced as a result of your hair loss.