Compensation for Hair Loss from Hair Dye

I believe that I may be able to make a claim for compensation for hair loss from hair dye as I have suffered a substantial amount of hair loss in the past month since having my hair coloured. Is it possible to claim compensation without having official evidence even though my hair loss must be due to the hair dye?

Eoin P. Campbell, LL.B., Solicitor

Editor in Chief

It is possible to claim compensation for hair loss from hair dye but only if it can be proven that your injury was sustained due to the negligence of the beauty salon at which the hair colouring treatment was applied. It is imperative, therefore, that you see a doctor who can diagnose the reason behind your hair loss. Provided that it can be established that the beauty salon was indeed responsible for your hair loss, you should be able to initiate action against them.

There are other procedures you should take if you wish to pursue a compensation for hair loss from hair dye claim, aside from seeing a doctor at the first possible opportunity. You should return to the salon and ask for the details of the product used – if applicable, the product number can indicate whether the whole batch was faulty, leading to your hair loss. Additionally, under health and safety legislation, all salons should maintain an “Accident Report Book” and you should have your injury recorded in it, as it can later be used as evidence.
It is recommended that you take two photographs of your injury – one up-close shot that can demonstrate the extent of your injury and another from a slight distance which can show how visible your injury is.

In order to increase the chance of a successful compensation for hair loss from hair dye claim, you would be well advised to seek the professional advice of a solicitor. Most solicitors offer free initial consultations whereby they can assess your potential claim and determine whether or not it is worth pursuing. In this consultation, any questions you may have regarding your individual case can be answered by your solicitor.