Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury Compensation

In an accident at work I severely damaged my knee and I wanted to know if I could claim anterior cruciate ligament compensation. The accident happened when I was lifting heavy boxes.

Eoin P. Campbell, LL.B., Solicitor

Editor in Chief

Provided that it is established that your accident and injury were caused by the negligence of another party and that the injury occurred during the course of your employment, you should be eligible to claim anterior cruciate ligament injury compensation. In instances of workplace injury compensation claims, the negligent party is most likely to be your employer as he or she has a legal duty of care to provide their employees with a safe working environment. Health and safety regulations require that employees are given adequate training and that potentially hazardous situations such as lifting heavy boxes such be avoided at all costs.

It is recommended that you contact a solicitor to assist you with pursuing a claim for anterior cruciate ligament injury compensation, particularly as your claim would most likely be made against your employer. Many employees are reluctant to initiate legal action against their employer for fear of damage to their working relationship and a solicitor would be able to handle your claim in a way which reduces any threat of conflict.

There are some standard procedures that you should have carried out in order to ensure that your anterior cruciate ligament injury compensation runs more fluidly. It would have been advantageous for you to have gathered witness details; had your injury recorded in the business’s Accident Report Book and even taken pictures of the scene and if you have not already done this your solicitor would be able to guide you through what steps should now be taken.

However, your first priority should always be your health and if an ambulance was not called, you should have still visited the nearest Accident and Emergency department or at least made an emergency appointment with your GP. Any delay in seeking treatment that can be seen in a gap between the date of your accident and the date your injury was recorded in your medical history could result in your claim being contested on the grounds of contributory negligence.

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    In the event that you are approached with an unsolicited offer of anterior cruciate ligament injury compensation from the negligent party’s insurance company, you should refer it to your solicitor as soon as possible, as offers such as these tend to be calculated by an online calculator or they are evaluated by referring to a previous similar case. No two claims are alike and all should be determined by their own individual merits. Any loss of amenity you have experienced should be included in the value of your claim, and you may also be entitled to recover any expenses you may have incurred; compensation offers from insurance companies are unlikely to fully take these issues into consideration. A solicitor would be able to assess the offer and determine if it is an adequate reflection of your injury and the affect it has on your life.