Cartilage Injury Compensation Claims

Can cartilage injury compensation claims be made for injuries sustained in minor car accidents?

Eoin P. Campbell, LL.B., Solicitor

Editor in Chief

Cartilage injury compensation claims can be made regardless of how serious a car accident is as long as it can be shown that another road user was negligent in their actions and that their carelessness was the reason for the victim sustaining their knee injury.

There are some procedures that need to be carried out, however, in order to simplify any cartilage injury compensation claims. The victim of an accident must ensure that their health and safety is their highest priority. Immediately following the accident, professional medical assistance should be sought, regardless of how serious or not an accident may seem. If an ambulance is not necessary, the victim should at least make an emergency appointment with their GP.

It is also essential for an accident to be reported to the Gardaí, which can later be used as evidence to support cartilage injury compensation claims. General formalities involving the other parties involved should be carried out; exchanging the relevant information – insurance details, names, addresses and phone numbers. If you have not carried out all of the procedures mentioned above, you can still make a claim; however, it is recommended that you engage with the services of a solicitor who can assist you with this aspect of a compensation claim and more.

For many potential plaintiffs, speaking with a solicitor about their cartilage injury compensation claims takes a weight off their shoulders in what is usually a tense and stressful time. A solicitor can assess their claim and determine whether or not it is viable. Additionally, they can offer the victim a preliminary estimate of how much compensation they are eligible to receive.

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    Most solicitors offer a free consultation without charge where they can answer the potential plaintiff’s questions. This is particularly beneficial given that no two personal injury compensation claims are identical and each claim should be evaluated based on their own individual merits.