Chin Injury Compensation

What amount of chin injury compensation can I expect to receive for burns I sustained after a laser hair removing session at a health spa? I am very embarrassed to go out in public and feel like I can’t even attend my sister’s wedding.

Eoin P. Campbell, LL.B., Solicitor

Editor in Chief

How much chin injury compensation you can expect to receive depends on several different elements. No two compensation claims for a chin injury are exactly alike given the different consequences a chin injury can have on an individual’s quality of life.

One element of your chin injury compensation claim that is considered when calculating the amount of compensation a person should receive is the level of pain suffered by the injured party when the accident occurred and the subsequent scarring as regards your age, general state of health before the burn was sustained and the injury’s visibility. Another important element is the affect your injury has had on your quality of life – your lack of confidence and inability to attend your sister’s wedding, for instance.

Any emotional trauma you may have experienced may also be included in your chin injury compensation claim although you may have to undergo a psychological examination. However, you can recover the costs of this professional testimony once your injury claim is won. Other expenses you have incurred that are attributable to the health spa’s negligence can also be reimbursed in the event of a successful claim, such as loss of income, overtime and pension contributions.

There is the possibility that the health spa’s insurers may approach you with an offer of early chin injury compensation if the health spa admits liability for your burns. You should be aware that what they offer will probably be an inadequate amount to reflect your pain and suffering. It is recommended that you refer such an offer to an experienced solicitor at the first practical opportunity as they can estimate the correct amount of compensation that you should be entitled to receive.

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    You may find that your chin injury compensation claim will be easier resolved when you consult with a solicitor as soon as possible after the accident occurs. Your solicitor can answer any questions and can evaluate whether or not you have a viable claim in an initial consultation that most solicitors offer without charge.