Can I Claim Compensation for an Accident on the Luas?

Can I claim compensation for an accident on the Luas? The tram braked suddenly and I fell over, chipping my front tooth.

Eoin P. Campbell, LL.B., Solicitor

Editor in Chief

To answer the question “can I claim compensation for an accident on the Luas” some important factors should be taken into account. Although negligence would generally be applied to the Luas driver, they are not always the party responsible for the accident; for example, perhaps the road signals were faulty. Once negligence is established you could begin to pursue a compensation claim for a Luas accident.

It is important that you had your injury treated by a professional medical practitioner as soon as practically possible following your accident in order for your question “can I claim compensation for an accident on the Luas” to be answered. By seeking immediate medical attention not only did you reduce the risk of further damage but your dentist would also have noted your injury in your medical records that can be used as evidence to support your claim.

You should also have collected the details of witnesses to further support your compensation for an accident on the Luas claim. If necessary and if available, images recorded on CCTV may also be used as evidence that your injury was caused by the negligence of another party.

It would be recommended that an experienced solicitor answers the question “can I claim compensation for an accident on the Luas?” Most solicitors offer a free initial consultation where they could answer this question and any others you may have regarding the circumstances of your claim. In this consultation they would be able to assess your claim and determine whether or not yours is one worth pursuing.