Compensation Claims for Groin Injury at Work

Is it possible to make compensation claims for groin injury at work from carrying heavy boxes against employers?

Eoin P. Campbell, LL.B., Solicitor

Editor in Chief

The possibility of making compensation claims for groin injury at work against employers will be strongly influenced by the circumstances that caused the injury to occur. You may have a valid claim for work groin injury compensation if it can be proven that the injury you sustained can be proven to be directly attributable to a breach in the lack of care that your employer legally owes his or her employees and a failure to provide their staff members with a safe working environment. If it can be established that your injury was caused by his or her negligence, you may be able to claim groin damage at work compensation against your employer.

In the workplace, negligence can manifest in multiple ways. In order to reduce the risk of injuries, your employer should make regular risk evaluations of the tasks their staff are required to carry out. Appropriate training in health and safety practices must be provided, especially to employees who lift and carry objects when alternative mechanical options are unavailable. In your cases such as yours, where the groin injury was sustained as a result or carrying heavy boxes, employers would be deemed liable in compensation claims for groin injury at work if it is determined that he or she failed to adhere to such safety precautions.

You must bear in mind, however, that the circumstances surrounding your groin injury being sustained may need to be evaluated to confirm that the injury occurred due to your employer’s negligence, and not from another unrelated activity. Those who are found to have contributed to the cause of their injury or its severity may not be automatically disqualified from pursuing compensation claims for groin injury at work, but the settlement figure will likely be reduced to reflect the plaintiff’s own lack of care.

Let us assume that you underwent an examination performed by a professional medical practitioner as soon as you began to experience pain; your claim for work groin injury can be supported by the notes recorded in your medical history. Your medical prognosis will help establish how much groin damage at work compensation you may qualify for, if you require surgery, for example, are incapacitated for a lengthy period of time or suffer a loss of income due to the time you may have to take off work.

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    A number of variables exist in compensation claims for groin injury at work and as there may also be other issues relating to your particular claim for work groin injury, you would be well advised to consult with an experienced personal injury solicitor as soon after seeking medical treatment as possible. It is essential that your case is thoroughly investigated and professionally prepared in order to increase the probability of a successful resolution. After assessing your groin damage at work compensation claim and determining liability for your injury, your solicitor will be able to walk you through the claims process and ensure that you recover your compensation in the most prompt manner.