Judge Awards Woman Compensation for Dog Attack Injuries

A woman has been awarded more than €234,000 compensation for dog attack injuries so horrific her young children were frightened to get close to her.

The woman was walking along a rural road near her home when two boxer dogs started to approach her. The woman tried to shoo the dogs away and told them to go home, but they jumped up and attacked her – knocking her to the ground.

The woman attempted to protect herself by placing her arms in front of her face, but the attack was so ferocious she suffered bites to her head, face, forearms and body. She sustained multiple lacerations which have now developed into visible scars.

The attack only stopped when a passing motorist sounded the horn of her car and the dogs ran away. The dogs have since been destroyed and their owners admitted liability when she claimed compensation for dog attack injuries.

As no negotiated settlement could be agreed for her claim, the case went to the High Court, where it was heard by Mr Justice Anthony Barr for the assessment of damages. Judge Barr heard testimony from the woman and several medical experts who confirmed the nature of her injuries.

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    During the woman´s testimony, she told Judge Barr how she was devastated by her appearance and how her young children were frightened to get close to her. The judge was shown photographs of the woman taken shortly before the attack and after the attack.

    The judge accepted the woman had undergone a profound change in her appearance, personality and mental state as a result of the attack and acknowledged that she would have suffered some degree of post-traumatic stress disorder.

    Awarding €234,557 compensation for dog attack injuries, Judge Barr commented the woman had experienced a terrifying attack and he was confident she had not tried to embellish the details of the attack nor exaggerate the injuries she had sustained.

    Categories: Dog Bite Claims
    Eoin P. Campbell, LL.B., Solicitor:
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