Compensation for Shoulder Injury

Can I claim additional shoulder injury compensation if I am unable to drive?
Eoin P. Campbell, LL.B., Solicitor
Editor in Chief


Can I claim additional shoulder injury compensation if I am unable to drive?


Shoulder injury compensation is comprised of two parts – General Damages and Special Damages. General Damages account for the physical pain and suffering you experienced at the time of your shoulder injury and throughout the healing process. Special Damages should cover any out of pocket expenses you incur as a result of your injury.

Therefore, if you are unable to drive your car to work and have to use public transport, you have incurred an out of pocket expense and are able to include the cost of the public transport in a shoulder injury compensation claim. The Injuries Board Ireland will require that you submit receipts for the costs you have incurred due to your shoulder injury when making your application to them.

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    If you have a long term or ongoing shoulder injury, you will be unable to provide receipts for expenses incurred in the future and it is better to discuss this issue with a solicitor. Your solicitor will submit a claim for shoulder injury compensation which takes into account the length of time you will be unable to drive and all costs (not just travel) that you incur in the meanwhile.

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