Compensation for Injury by Chemical Spills in a Factory

Is it possible to claim compensation for injury by chemical spills in factory for chemical burns to my arms and legs after a drum of acid was dropped from a delivery lorry? Are there any procedures I need to follow before making a claim?

Eoin P. Campbell, LL.B., Solicitor

Editor in Chief

There is a strong probability that you will be eligible to claim compensation for injury by chemical spills in a factory, provided that you were not to blame for the chemical spillage. A claim for a chemical spill injury is only possible if the spillage was caused by the negligence of a third party. In your case, the third party may be your employer or the delivery company. It is conceivable that liability for the accident may even be shared if your employer and the delivery company both made errors which led to the chemical spillage.

It is vital that your accident is recorded in your employers Accident Book, even if it was not your employer who was responsible for the accident and your injuries. Since the accident occurred at your place of work, it is important that it is properly documented. If you have not yet made a report you should do so as soon as possible. The Health and Safety Authority will also need to be notified of the accident if you were absent from work for more than 3 consecutive days. If your employer has not reported the accident to the HSA, you can do so online by visiting the HSA website.

You should also speak with a personal injury solicitor about making a claim for a chemical spill injury. Even though you were injured due to a chemical spillage at work, you must still establish and prove that the spillage was the result of negligence of a third party, and a solicitor is in the best position to help you do this. You will be given assistance with completing the claim form, and will be advised of any evidence you need to collect to support your claim for injury by chemical spills in a factory.

A personal injury solicitor will also make sure that your injuries are thoroughly assessed by a doctor with expertise in dealing with chemical burns. It is vital that your injuries are properly documented on the medical assessment form which needs to accompany your Injuries Board claim for compensation for injury by chemical spills in a factory. This includes providing an accurate prognosis for recovery to advise the Injuries Board if you are likely to suffer from any lasting or permanent damage as this will affect the amount of compensation you are entitled to receive. Since exposure to chemicals can pose a risk to long term health, it is important that this is properly assessed and detailed on your medical assessment form.