Compensation for Loss of Finger

Can my husband claim compensation for loss of finger since he lost it when working with a power tool at work? It was old and rusty and my husband says it was not in good working order.

Eoin P. Campbell, LL.B., Solicitor

Editor in Chief

It may be possible for your husband to claim compensation for loss of finger, provided that his accident was caused due to a breach in his employer’s duty of care. It must be shown that the employer failed to provide his employee with a safe working environment, and the fact that your husband has acknowledged that the power tool may have been faulty indicates that his employer behaved negligently and may possibly be named responsible for your husband’s injury.

By gathering evidence such as witness statements and CCTV footage, if available, your husband may have sufficient support for his compensation for loss of finger claim. He should also have had his injury recorded in the business’s Accident Report Book.

The loss of a finger is a serious injury and presuming your husband sought immediate medical assistance, the potential for infection or other complications should be reduced. In addition, by seeing a medical practitioner immediately following his accident, your husband could use the notes made in his medical history as further evidence to support his claim.

It would be in your husband’s best interests to speak with a solicitor about his claim for compensation for loss of finger. Many employees are reluctant to pursue legal action against their employer but an experienced solicitor would be able to handle the case as delicately as possible to minimise the threat of conflict.