Compensation for Skin Burns Caused by Hair Dryer in Hair Salon

Can I claim for compensation for skin burns caused by a hair dryer in a hair salon? When I last visited my usual hair salon an unfamiliar stylist used a setting that was far too hot and I have suffered serious burns as a result.

Eoin P. Campbell, LL.B., Solicitor

Editor in Chief

It is possible to claim for compensation for skin burns caused by a hair dryer in a hair salon when it can be proven that the hair stylist acted negligently; provided that you mentioned the fact that the setting was too high and that the stylist ignored your pleas. The stylist may contend your claim by saying she or he couldn’t hear over the noise of the hair dryer and thus it would be worth your while collecting information and details from potential witnesses who could support your claim.

Most businesses maintain an accident report book in which your injury should have been noted immediately after the incident if you wish to make a compensation for skin burns caused by a hair dryer in a hair salon claim. You or your solicitor can use this as evidence should you pursue a compensation claim as it may be possible to determine a history of similar accidents when your burns are included in this book.

It is highly important that you sought medical attention immediately after the accident occurred. A medical practitioner would have properly diagnosed your injury and recorded it and the circumstances in which it was sustained in your medical history. Not only is this beneficial for your health, it will also be advantageous to your claim. The length of time it took before you sought medical treatment can have a significant effect on the result of your claim.

Taking pictures of your injury directly after the accident can also work to your advantage when pursuing a compensation for skin burn caused by a hair dryer in a salon claim. It is recommended that two pictures are taken – one which details the severity of your injury and the other to show how visible it is at a distance. This can be given as evidence to demonstrate the impact the injury has had on your quality of life and confidence.

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    You would be well advised to engage in a solicitor’s services if you believe you can claim for compensation for skin burns caused by a hair dryer in a salon. Even if you did not follow all of the procedures and if your situation is slightly different, remember that no two cases are exactly the same and you may still be eligible for compensation. Most solicitors will offer a free initial consultation where they can assess your personal case and can establish whether or not you have a viable case and they can also answer any questions you may have.