Compensation for Slipping on Grape in Shop

Can I claim compensation for slipping on a grape in a shop if it is only a small corner shop and my injury was minor?

Eoin P. Campbell, LL.B., Solicitor

Editor in Chief

You should be able to claim compensation for slipping on a grape in a shop if it can be proven that the shop owners or managers were negligent, and this negligence resulted in your injury. All businesses, large or small, owe their customers a legal duty or care for the provision of a clean and safe shopping environment and if you feel that they breached this duty of care, you may be eligible to make a claim for compensation against them.

It is not as easy to simply point the finger of blame, however; you must be able to show evidence that proves the shop’s liability. The details of any customers or staff that assisted you after your accident should have been collected at the scene in case they are required to serve as witnesses. You should also have reported you injury in the “Accident Report Book” that the shop is legally obliged to maintain on the premises. Perhaps details of similar accidents could be obtained from the book to further support your claim.

It should be noted that to pursue any compensation for slipping on a grape in a shop claim, the injury sustained must be recorded in the victim’s medical history. Despite your injury being deemed “minor”, you should still have had it treated by a professional medical practitioner. The length of time a victim leaves between the date of the accident and the date the injury is noted in medical files can significantly affect the final value of your compensation.

You would be well advised to seek the assistance of a solicitor in claiming compensation for slipping on a grape in a shop. In an initial consultation – which many solicitors offer without charge – a solicitor can answer any questions that you may have regarding your case and can recommend whether or not you have a claim worth pursuing. If you are approached with an early offer of compensation from the shop’s insurance company, a solicitor can determine if it is an adequate, fair settlement that you could comfortably accept.