Compensation for Slipping on Spilt Milk on the Floor in Tesco Supermarket

How much compensation for slipping on spilt milk on the floor in Tesco supermarket can I receive if I broke my arm in the fall?

Eoin P. Campbell, LL.B., Solicitor

Editor in Chief

The amount of compensation for slipping on spilt milk on the floor in a Tesco supermarket that you are eligible to receive depends on a number of factors. It is not possible to make a general estimation as each case is unique, even when the injury sustained is the same and the circumstances of the accident are similar, and each case should be judged on its individual merits.

An important element in determining the value of your compensation for slipping on spilt milk on the floor in Tesco supermarket claim is that you had your injury seen to by a medical professional immediately after the accident. Even if first aid was offered on the scene, you should still have seen a professional medical practitioner at your nearest Accident and Emergency department or made an emergency appointment to see your GP at the first moment possible. A medical practitioner will have the details of your injury recorded in your medical history and the sooner this is seen to be done the better. If you waited before seeing a doctor, even only by a couple of days, you could be accused of exacerbating your injury through your own lack of care, thus reducing the amount of compensation you are likely to receive.

Along with pain and suffering compensation for slipping on spilt milk on the floor in Tesco supermarket – where the severity of your injury would be measured against a claims calculator and altered to account for your age, your general state of health prior to your injury and perhaps your sex – how much compensation you may receive also depends on factors such as “loss of amenity”. This refers to the negative impact your injury has had on your quality of life, i.e. if you are unable to perform everyday tasks without pain or if you can no longer participate in a social or leisure activity that you once enjoyed.

You may also be able to recover any expenses you may have incurred that can be directly attributed to your injury, such as medication costs, the cost of public transport if you are unable to drive or loss of income. Elements such as this and loss of amenity are not likely to be included in a compensation offer by the supermarket’s insurance company.

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    In many instances, victims of accidents which occur in supermarkets are approached directly with early offers of compensation, which effectively admits the supermarket’s liability. The negligent party’s insurers are likely to evaluate how much compensation they are willing to offer by consulting an online claims calculator or by referring to previous similar cases. As mentioned above, each case is unique and should be evaluated by its own merits and so the potential for a compensation offer from the negligent party’s insurers being fair and accurate is low. It is recommended that any such offer is referred to a solicitor who would be in a good position to determine whether or not it is worth accepting.

    In any case, you would be well advised to engage in the services of an experienced solicitor who can give you a preliminary estimate of how much compensation for slipping on split milk on the floor in Tesco supermarket you are eligible for. During an initial free consultation – which most solicitors offer – they can assess your case and answer any questions they may have. If they consider your case to be viable, they can provide advice on how to proceed with your claim.