Damaged Hair Compensation

I know that I can possibly make a personal injury claim if I suffer an injury on a business premises but I wanted to know about damaged hair compensation. Is it possible to make a claim against a salon if my hair was damaged after a treatment?

Eoin P. Campbell, LL.B., Solicitor

Editor in Chief

The victim of an accident that occurred on a salon premises may qualify for damaged hair compensation if the salon owner or staff member failed to provide their legal duty of care. All business owners are legally obliged to maintain their premises in a clean and safe condition and to ensure their client’s health and safety while they are there. Hair that was damaged as a result of a botched treatment due to the negligence of the salon owner or staff member would be considered as an injury and you would likely be entitled to claim for compensation.

The only exception to this general rule – that you may claim for damaged hair compensation if the injury was due to the negligence of another who had a duty of care towards you – is if the staff members were unable to “reasonably” prevent your accident.

To contribute to a successful damaged hair compensation claim, there are some procedures that you should have carried out after the accident. The most important was to have sought medical treatment immediately after the accident, by having an ambulance called in the event of serious damage, or by at least having made an emergency appointment with your GP.

After seeking medical treatment from a professional, it would have been to your advantage if you had your injury recorded in the salon’s accident report book, which they should keep on the premises. If it was possible, you should have collected details from potential witnesses who could support your claim and taken photographs of the scene with the camera function of your mobile phone.

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    Even if you did not carry out all of these procedures, it would be worth your while to speak with a solicitor as you may still qualify to make a damaged hair compensation claim. Most solicitors offer free initial consultations where they can assess your personal case and determine whether or not you have a viable claim. In this consultation they can also answer any questions you may have regarding your individual situation.