Foot Ligament Injury Compensation Claims

Is it possible to claim foot ligament injury compensation claims for injuries sustained at work?

Eoin P. Campbell, LL.B., Solicitor

Editor in Chief

Foot ligament injury compensation claims for injuries that were a result of a workplace accident can be made if the plaintiff’s injury was sustained due to another party’s negligence in the course of his or her employment. Bear in mind that injuries at work do not always occur due to the direct action – or inaction – of an employer. The employer can also be held liable for injuries that resulted in their failure to maintain a safe working environment for staff, or where it is apparent that the employer did not take the precautions required to protect staff from potential injury.

Foot ligament injury compensation claims must initially be made through the Injuries Board Ireland. The application for assessment to the Injuries Board can be submitted independently but it is recommended that a solicitor provide assistance. While the Injuries Board waits for the employer’s consent, the plaintiff’s solicitor would be able to enter direct negotiations with the employer’s insurance company which could result in a quicker conclusion to the plaintiff’s claim.

How much compensation an individual can receive depends on their individual merits, which means a different result for all foot ligament injury compensation claims. The level of pain suffered by the victim is not the only element considered when calculating the amount of compensation; any emotional trauma the victim has experienced is also taken into account, as is the negative impact the injury has had on the victim’s quality of life and any financial costs the victim may have incurred that can be attributed to the injury.

Potential plaintiffs in foot ligament injury compensation claims would be well advised to seek the assistance of a solicitor as soon as possible following essential medical treatment for their injuries. Most solicitors will offer an initial assessment of the individual’s personal situation without charge and will recommend whether they have a claim which is worth their while to pursue.

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    If so, their solicitor will advise them of the procedures they should take to support their claim, ensure that they receive your maximum entitlement to compensation.