How Much Compensation for Whiplash

How much compensation for whiplash injuries can I expect to receive in a personal injury claim?
Eoin P. Campbell, LL.B., Solicitor, Editor in Chief


How much compensation for whiplash injuries can I expect to receive in a personal injury claim?


Whiplash compensation claims are the most common type of personal injury claim to be processed by the Injuries Board Ireland yet are the hardest to determine in respect of how much compensation for whiplash you will be assessed for.

Whiplash is an umbrella term covering a range of injuries that can occur when the spine and soft tissues of the neck and upper back are hyper-extended when the head is thrust back and forth in a vehicle collision.

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    How much compensation for whiplash injuries you receive will depend on the amount of damage that has been done in the accident and the length of time it will take for the damage to heal, however there are a number of factors that people claiming compensation for whiplash should be aware of.

    Women tend to experience more severe whiplash injuries than men due to their weaker neck muscles. Female passengers in particular, who have had no time to brace prior to impact, will have far worse and longer lasting whiplash injuries than male drivers.

    Studies in America have also shown that whiplash injuries can often lead to psychological disorders such as depression. As statistics show that women are twice as likely to be diagnosed with depression as men, this will also influence how much compensation for whiplash injuries you receive.

    Personal circumstances away from the physical and psychological injury received in your car accident will also affect how much compensation for whiplash you receive. If, for example, you are unable to work for a long period of time, you will receive more compensation for loss of earnings than somebody who is able to return to their desk immediately.

    For specific advice on how much compensation for whiplash injuries you can expect to receive, speak as soon as possible after a car accident to a solicitor. A solicitor will be able to establish what general and special damages you are entitled to claim for, and ensure that you receive fair and adequate compensation for your whiplash injury.

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