Injury Compensation for Slipping on Freshly Mopped Floor with No Warning Signs in Supermarket

Is it possible to claim injury compensation for slipping on freshly mopped floor with no warning signs in supermarket?

Eoin P. Campbell, LL.B., Solicitor

Editor in Chief

Provided that you sustained an injury in the accident that required professional medical treatment, you should be eligible to claim injury compensation for slipping on freshly mopped floor with no warning signs in supermarket. Compensation for a slip on a supermarket floor can only be recovered for an injury which has been examined by a medical practitioner and documented in your medical history.

Furthermore, in order for a slip injury from freshly mopped supermarket floor with no warning sign compensation to be successful, it must be proven that the supermarket was negligent. It is standard practice for a freshly mopped floor to be identified by a yellow “Wet Floor” A-board since the floor is likely to remain slippery and wet for some time, and since no warning sign was present, it is likely that the supermarket will be held liable.

The fact that the floor had just been mopped and no sign had been erected indicates that the supermarket staff had indeed been negligent. Not only would this be a breach in health and safety regulations but it would be a failure in the supermarket’s legal duty of care to customers by placing them at intolerable risk of slipping, and if this was the case you may have good grounds for injury compensation for slipping on freshly mopped floor with no warning signs in supermarket.

Your claim for slip in supermarket on freshly mopped floor with no warning sign would benefit from the completion of a number of standard procedures. For example, your claim would be supported if you collected the details of any witnesses to the accident. Additionally, accessing the supermarket’s CCTV could help in proving supermarket negligence as it could determine the length of time the mopped floor had been without a warning sign.

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    It is important that the supermarket management was made aware of your accident and that a written statement detailing the accident was recorded in the supermarket’s accident report book. This report will serve as proof that the accident did in fact occur when you make a slip injury from freshly mopped supermarket floor with no warning sign compensation claim against the supermarket’s public liability insurance policy.

    Although it appears that you are likely to be able to pursue a claim for slip in supermarket on freshly mopped floor with no warning sign, you would be well advised to speak with an experienced personal injury solicitor who could confirm your eligibility to do so. It is important that your case is thoroughly investigated and professionally prepared in order to maximise the potential for success and of recovering injury compensation for slipping on freshly mopped floor with no warning signs in supermarket as quickly as possible.