Loss of Amenity for Personal Injuries

I am currently pursuing a personal injury compensation claim but am unsure as to what loss of amenity for personal injuries is. I have seen it mentioned on this site before but can you please explain what it is?

Eoin P. Campbell, LL.B., Solicitor

Editor in Chief

There are usually four main components in a compensation settlement and loss of amenity is one of them. The other three are; general damages for pain and suffering, general damages for psychological trauma and special damages for financial expenses. Loss of amenity refers to the negative impact of the injuries you have suffered in an accident for which you were not at fault have on your quality of life.

To further explain loss of amenity for personal injuries, consider the implications an injury may have on a person’s social and domestic life. If a person can no longer perform everyday tasks or take care of their children or elderly parents, they may be eligible for loss of amenity compensation. If a person cannot participate in a hobby they enjoyed prior to the accident, golf for example, they too may qualify for loss of amenity compensation.

Loss of amenity for personal injuries can be difficult to assess as there is no injury compensation calculator for this particular component of a personal injuries claim. Testimonies from family, friends, work colleagues or teachers may be required, as could photo or video proof – to provide sufficient justification in support of a claim for loss of amenity. The final amount is calculated by measuring your situation against similar previous awards of compensation.

It is highly recommended that you seek the professional help of a solicitor to advise you on loss of amenity for personal injuries. He or she would be in a position to advice you on which areas of your life may be included in a claim for loss of amenity and the value of compensation that you may be entitled too.