Spills on Office Stair Accidents

How long does it take to recover compensation for spills on office stair accidents?

Eoin P. Campbell, LL.B., Solicitor

Editor in Chief

The length of time taken for claims for spills on office stair accidents to be resolved can vary considerably depending on the circumstances of the accident, the nature of the injuries sustained and whether or not liability for the injuries is accepted or denied by the person responsible for your slip and fall on the office stairs.

Should, for example, you have slipped on external stairs or stairs within a shared building, somebody else other than your employer may be liable for your injuries – if, of course, it can be proven that your injuries were sustained due to that party´s negligence. Furthermore an application for assessment should not be sent to the Injuries Board until the full extent of your injuries is known. This in itself could delay the process for claiming injury compensation for spills on office stairs accidents.

When an application for assessment for a claim for spills on office stair accidents is submitted to the Injuries Board, the Injuries Board will issue a formal ”Notice of Claim” to the negligent party (or “respondent”) who is allowed 90 days to inform the Injuries Board whether they consent to an assessment being made.

If the claim is not rejected at this point by the respondent, the Injuries Board may ask you to undergo an independent medical examination before proceeding with an assessment of the claim – which then typically takes up to 9 months. Once the assessment is completed, the respondent and the claimant are notified of the Injuries Board assessment and each is given 28 days to accept or decline the assessment.

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    If the compensation amount it is accepted by both parties, an Order to Pay will be issued. Claims for spills on office stair accidents which proceed in this fashion can therefore take over a year to resolve from the initiation of the claim to payment of compensation.

    One further issue with claiming for spills on office stair accidents which can affect the time taken to resolve the claim is when liability is accepted by the respondent, but the compensation amount stipulated by the Injuries Board is not. Should the respondent reject the assessment and deem it to be too high, negotiations with the respondent´s insurance company or litigation through the Irish court system may be required to determine the amount of compensation for spills on office stair accidents to be awarded. This can delay the resolution of the office slip injury claim by a considerable degree.

    However, claiming for spills on office stair accidents does not necessarily involve a long wait for compensation to be awarded. When a solicitor is used to pursue claims for spills on office stair accidents, an attempt will be made to negotiate a suitable settlement directly with the negligent party’s insurance company. Often a mutually agreeable compensation amount can be agreed by both parties, and payment of compensation can be made more quickly. More than a third of claims are settled in this fashion in Ireland.

    Before compensation amounts and timescales are considered, you should first confirm that you are eligible to make a claim for a slip and fall on office stairs. We recommend speaking with a personal injury solicitor about your case to confirm that you are entitled to make a claim, establish who is liable for your injuries and to receive help with collecting evidence of negligence. A solicitor will ensure the strongest possible claim for spills on office stair accidents is prepared, which should increase the likelihood of being able to negotiate a suitable settlement with the negligent party’s insurance company.