Wrist Ligament Injury Compensation Claims

Can you explain wrist ligament injury compensation claims? My husband hurt his wrist when he slipped in a supermarket.

Eoin P. Campbell, LL.B., Solicitor

Editor in Chief

Wrist ligament injury compensation claims for injuries that were sustained when a customer slipped in a supermarket can be made against the supermarket provided that it can be shown that the injury was sustained as a result of the supermarket owner or manager’s negligence.

As a general rule, supermarket owners or managers owe a duty of care to provide their customers with a clean and safe shopping environment. There are exceptions to this “duty of care”, but broadly speaking, if a preventable accident occurred that resulted in an injury, the victim would be able to hold the supermarket owner or manager responsible.

There are some procedures that should be carried out in order to support wrist accident injury compensation claims and the most important procedure to follow would be for the victim to take care of their health. Even if first aid is offered at the scene of the accident, professional treatment is required in order to adequately support a potential plaintiff’s claim. The victim should also report their accident to a staff member and have their injury recorded in the supermarket’s Accident Report Book.

To further support compensation for a wrist ligament accident claims, it would be advantageous to have images recorded at the scene, on a camera phone, perhaps, or on CCTV where the exact circumstances of the accident could be established and liability could be determined. If possible, the details of witnesses should have been collected at the scene of the accident.

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    Wrist ligament injury compensation claims should be made through the Injuries Board Ireland by submitting application Form A (to explain the circumstances of the injury) along with Form B (a medical assessment of the injury completed by a medical practitioner) and receipts for any expenses you wish to recover. Having a solicitor assist your husband with this stage of the claims process is not necessary but it is recommended in order to ensure that all aspects of your husband’s claim are accounted for.

    If your husband engages with a solicitor in the initial stages of his claim, his solicitor would be able to directly approach the negligent party’s insurers and attempt to negotiate a settlement for his wrist ligament injury compensation claim, while the Injuries Board complete their assessment. This may result in a full and sufficient compensation settlement in a far quicker time.

    The amount of compensation that can be expected from wrist ligament injury compensation claims depends on the individual’s circumstances. The value of your husband’s physical injury will be based on its severity and permanence and will account for his age and state of health prior to the accident. Compensation for his “loss of amenity” will also be taken into account and any financial costs that were incurred as a result of his injury may also be recovered.

    Any questions on wrist ligament injury compensation claims can be answered by an experienced solicitor and it is recommended that your husband consults with a solicitor at the first possible opportunity.