
$300 Million Awarded in Tobacco Lawsuit

A jury in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, has awarded Lucinda Naugle $300 million in a tobacco lawsuit against Philip Morris, which is the largest ever single award. The award consisted of $56 million in compensatory damages and $244 million in punitive damages. It only took the jury three hours after a three-week trial to assess liability to Naugle at 10 percent and 90% to Philip Morris.

The victim started smoking when she was 20 and smoked for 25 years.  Now, at the age of 61, she suffers from severe emphysema and requires a lung transplant.

It’s assumed that the decision will be appealed and the victim is hoping to survive long enough to get the money necessary for her lung transplant.

Florida is one of 46 states that participated in the 1998 settlement by the seven largest tobacco companies for over $206 billion.  However, a ruling three years ago made it easier for individuals to sue tobacco companies. Some 25 additional cases would go to trial in Florida next year and more than 9,000 people have filed individual lawsuits in various Florida courts.